Busting the Top 5 Cannabis Myths

cannabis myths

The use of cannabis and its effects on individuals and society have sparked one of the most heated debates of the century. The proliferation of new products and ways of use raises many questions, eyebrows and creates myths. Read on as we bust the top 5 cannabis myths and debunk them into the stratosphere!

#1 All Weed is Essentially the Same

Repeat after us, no it is not. Surprisingly, many of us claim to be experts in cannabis without even knowing that there are many varieties of the cannabis plant. Growers have created new strains of the cannabis plant leading to many new varieties. These varieties can differ from their old relatives Indica and Sativa in effects, flavor, aroma, and smell. If you have a chance to visit a dispensary, you’ll indeed be surprised at the sheer number of different varieties.

#2 All Weed Comes in Dried Herb Form

This may have been a fact one gazillion years ago; however, nowadays, we have so many varieties that would make your head spinning. Not all cannabis derivates are wrapped in rolling paper and smoked behind the school parking lot. Take HCFSE Diamonds; this derivative is a high-cannabinoid full spectrum extract resembling a diamond or soft rock sugar. These ones are not for inexperienced users and punch above their weight, but are enjoyable in small doses.

THC distillate is another example. The syringe is loaded with refined THC Cannabinoid and can be dabbed into your vape. As we said, not all are rolled.

#3 There are No Long-Term Consequences

As with every form of continuous substance dependency, there are long-term consequences of smoking weed. Studies have shown that cognitive decline and heightened risk of onset depression are severely highlighted among heavy users.  On the contrary, microdosing cannabis can lead to elevated levels of awareness and positive cognitive activity.

#4 Weed Causes Cancer

Although weed does contain carcinogens, just like your average cigarette, it is less likely to cause cancer. A 2006 UCLA study concluded that cannabis consumers are less likely to develop lung cancer because they do not consume cannabis in large quantities like cigarette users. The study even went to draw some conclusions that cannabis can actually inhibit some forms of cancer. Nowadays, cannabis is not consumed solely in a blunt form; many cannabis derivatives and products do not have to be smoked and inhaled.  It is a well-known fact that the process of combustion and inhalation is the main cause of carcinogens, so using methods other than “smoking” are ones to consider.

#5 Cannabis is a Gateway Drug

The fact is that some percentage of cannabis smokers do end up moving to other psychoactive substances. This, of course, does not mean that all cannabis users end up moving on to other drugs; that would be a big generalization. It has been proven that cannabis use does not directly cause and lead to the use of other drugs, leaving alcohol and cigarettes for the majority of the blame.

There you have it; being informed about cannabis and its effects help us better understand its impact on us as individuals and society. Cannabis is a fascinating topic with many twists and turns in the story, but if we do not demystify and talk about it, it will remain a polarizing topic for years to come.